Green Apple All in One Gel 50 gm-min

Green Apple All in One Gel

Roonest Ayurvedic All-in-One Green Apple Gel…..
Experience the revitalizing power of green apple with our Ayurvedic Green Apple All-in-One Gel, a versatile skincare solution designed to nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate your skin from head to toe. Infused with the refreshing essence of green apple and enriched with potent Ayurvedic herbs, this gel offers a multitude of benefits for your skin, providing a holistic approach to skincare.

1 customer review


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Green Apple All in One Gel
₹149.00 – ₹199.00


Rootnest Ayurvedic Green Apple All in one gel benefit..

Hydration : The gel provides deep hydration to the skin, leaving it moisturized and supple. It helps to combat dryness and replenish the skin's natural moisture barrier.

Nourishment : Enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, the gel nourishes the skin, helping to improve its overall health and vitality.

Soothing Relief : Aloe vera and licorice extract soothe and calm irritated skin, reducing redness, inflammation, and discomfort.

Anti-Aging : Green apple extract helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful-looking complexion.

Refreshing Fragrance : The refreshing scent of green apple uplifts the senses, leaving you feeling revitalized and energized.


Rootnest Ayurvedic Green Apple All In One Gel

  1. Cleanse: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.
  2. Apply: Take a small amount of the gel and gently massage it onto your face and neck.
  3. Massage: Use circular motions until absorbed.
  4. Follow up: You can apply a moisturizer afterward if needed.
  5. Sun Protection: If using during the day, apply sunscreen.
  6. Frequency: Use daily as part of your skincare routine.

Key Ingredients

Customer Reviews

1 customer review
  1. Dhruti sidhdhpuriya

    It’s a nice product…..awesome…nice experience

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